Monday, October 27, 2014

Application Performance optimization

Application Performance optimization

Application Performance optimization can be done by below techniques:
Designing of the Outline using Hour Glass Model
Compression techniques
Cache Settings
Intelligent calculation
Uncommitted Access
Data Load Optimization

Designing of the Outline using Hour Glass Model:
Outline should be designed in such a way that dimensions are placed in the following order – first put the largest (in number of members) dense dimension, then the next largest dense dimension, and continue until the smallest dense dimension. Now put the smallest sparse dimension, then next smallest, and continue until the largest sparse dimension followed by the attribute dimension.
Hour glass model improves 10% of calculation performance of cube.

Fragmentation is caused due to the following:
Frequent Data load
Frequent Retrieval
Frequent Calculation
We can check whether the cube is fragmented or not by seeing it Average Clustering Ratio in the properties. The Optimum clustering value is 1, if the average clustering ratio is less than 1, then the cube is fragmented which degrades the performance of the cube.

There are 3 ways of doing defragmentation:
Export Data of the application in text files, then clear data and reload it without using rule files.
Using Maxl Command. Maxl > Alter Database Appname.DBname Force restructure
Add and Delete One dummy member in the dense dimension.

There are 3 types of restructure:
Outline Restructure
Sparse Restructure
Dense Restructure / Full Restructure

Outline Restructure: When we rename any member or add alias to any member then outline restructure would happen.
.OTL file is converted to .OTN which in turn converts in to .OTL again.
.OTN file is a temp file deleted by default after restructure.
Dense Restructure: If a member of dense dimension is moved, deleted or added, Essbase restructures the data blocks, it regenerates the index automatically so that index entries point to the new data clocks. Empty blocks are not removed. Essbase marks all restructure block as dirty, so after a dense restructure you must recalculate the database. Dense restructuring is most time consuming, can take a long time to complete for large database.
Sparse Restructure: If a member of sparse dimension is moved, deleted or added, Essbase restructure the index and creates new index files. Restructuring the index is relatively fast. Time required depends on index size.

Compression technique:
When Essbase stores blocks to disk, it can compress the data blocks using one of the following compression methods, this is based on the type of data that is being loaded into the Essbase database.

No Compression:  It is what it says, no compression is occurring on the database.
zLib Compression:  This is a good choice if your database has very sparse data.
Bitmap compression:  This is the default compression type and is good for non-repeating data.
RLE (Run Length Encoding) compression:  This type of compression is best used for data with many zeroes or repeating values.
Index value Pair: Essbase applies this compression if the block density is less than 3%.Index Value Pair addresses compression on databases with larger block sizes, where the blocks are highly sparse.
In most of all cases Bitmap is always the best choice to give your database the best combination of great performance and small data files.  On the other hand much depends on the configuration of the data that is being placed into the database.  The best way to determine the best method of compression is to attempt each type and evaluate the results.

Caches: There are 5 types of caches
Index Cache: It is a buffer in memory that holds index files (.ind). Index cache should be set equal to the size of index file.
Note- Restart the database in order to make the new cache setting come onto effect.
Data Cache: It is a buffer in memory that holds uncompressed data blocks. Data cache should be 12.5% of PAG file memory, by default it is set to 3MB.
Data File Cache: It is a buffer in memory that holds compressed data blocks. Size of data file cache should be size of PAG file memory. It is set to 32MB by default. Max size for it is 2GB.
Calculator Cache: it is basically used to improve the performance of calculation. We set the calculator cache in calculation script. Set cache High|Low|off. We also set cache value for calculator cache in Essbase.cfg file. We need to restart the server to make the changes in calculator caches after setting it in the config file.
Dynamic Calculator Cache: The dynamic calculator cache is a buffer in memory that Essbase uses to store all of the blocks needed for calculation of Dynamic Calc member in a dense dimension.

Intelligent Calculation:
Whenever the block is created for the first time Essbase would treat it as Dirty block. When we run CalcAll/Calc dim, Essbase would calculate and mark all blocks as clean. Subsequently, when we change value in any blocks, it will be marked as Dirty block and when we run the script again only dirty block are calculated and this is known as Intelligent calculation.
Be default calculation is ON. To turn of the intelligent calculation use command Set Update Calc Off in scripts.

Uncommitted Access:
Under uncommitted access, Essbase locks blocks for write access until Essbase finishes updating the block. Under committed access, Essbase holds locks until a transaction completes. With uncommitted access, blocks are released more frequently than with committed access. The Essbase performance is better if we set uncommitted access. Beside parallel calculation only works with uncommitted access.

Data load Optimization: Data load optimization can be achieved by the following
Always load the data from Server than File System.
The data should be as last after the combination in the data load file.
Should use #Mi instead of zero (0). If we use zero it use 8 bytes if memory for each cell.
Restrict max decimal points to ‘3’ like 1.234
Data should be loaded in the form of Inverted Hour Glass Model.
Always pre-Aggregate data before loading data in to database.

These are just the initial general optimization points which can cause huge performance improvements without too much effort, generally these ones should handle 70% of our optimization issues.

 Hope this Helps.


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